Over the past week I've finished de-basing all of my 15mm ACW figures that were previously based for Fire & Fury and I've started to re-base them for Volley & Bayonet. Tonight I was able to re-base all of my Union officers: 13 division commanders, 5 corps commanders and one army commander. I also was able to start work on my Confederate officers finishing 8 division commanders, 3 corps commanders and one army commander. I still have one more each of Confederate division commander and corps commander. I think this means either I have too many Union officers or too few Confederate officers. Once I start setting up some scenarios I'll know which and either I'll be able to sell off some Union officers or I'll have to paint up a few more Confederates.
Last year I purchased a couple of armies from a friend in our wargaming club which were previously painted by my Uncle. These comprise about half of my collection. After purchasing these figures I re-based a majority of my infantry and cavalry to match the newly-purchased figures. Having a touch of wargaming ADD, I moved on to another project before finishing this one leaving me with the officers, artillery and some infantry left to finish. Below are photos of what I had re-based previously, Union on the left, Confederate on the right:

Below is a photo of what I have left to re-base, mostly artillery (Union and Confederate) and a few units of Confederate infantry and dismounted cavalry.
1 comment:
You've done well not to much more left to go, before you know it you'll be gaming with them.
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