Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Salerno 'Tobacco Factory' - Part 3

Work continues on the Salerno tobacco 'factory' terrain for game day. Completed are the base units for all of the large buildings and two of the smaller wedge-shaped buildings. The rest of the smaller wedge-shaped buildings are placed in un-assembled so I could get a sense of the scale of the piece. It's HUGE. The grey mat is 4' x 6'.

The wedge-shaped buildings each side of the ruined building were completely destroyed in the bombing of the complex. I'm likely to make those more rubble piles, lower in height due to the lighter mass of the shorter buildings. This will also allow armor a point of ingress. The same approach will be taken on the wedge building lower left. Lower right the wedge and large building will also be destroyed rubble. These pieces are still to be created.

Two and a half weeks to go. I'm in full brown alert on this. Moving as quickly as I can. The Mrs. came down to see why she hadn't seen me in days and said, "you're missing all the roofs"...yep, they're on the to-do list! Also on the to-do list is adding battle damage and weathering and making scatter rubble. If push comes to shove, piles of crushed coarse cork may suffice for the latter.


Ed M said...

Excellent, AJ: keep at it. What else are you doing between the hours of midnight and 4 a.m., anyway? :)

Mark Decoteau said...

Looks really good, AJ. Can’t wait to see it in person!

Broeders said...

Wow. That is massive! What scale are you building it in?

AJ (Allan) Wright said...

28mm, although the buildings are about 90% scale just so the whole factory can fit on the table and still have some room around it. They're probably 23mm true scale.