Friday, July 8, 2011

Thursday night at Adler Hobby & Bee Template

With so many people on vacation this week the Thursday night Adler Hobby gaming group decided to have a modeling night instead of a gaming night. Adam was painting some 15mm 18th century Russians (Seven Years War I believe) and re-basing some of his other 7YW figures. Chris was painting a FOW British 25 lb. battery including gunners and Gordon was working on his 28mm WWI desert figures for his 'Battle of the Bees' scenario.

For my contribution I brought a couple new 'Bee Templates' for Gordon to use in his game. The templates were made on my laser and will represent the swarms of bees that plagued the battlefield. The bee swarms will move randomly about the table and cause havoc for any troops who are unlucky enough to be 'swarmed'. If you're interested in a bee template or similar custom laser-cut gaming aids, feel free to contact me at my business site, Wright Brothers R/C and Engraving.

While people painted we talked about various things and had a great relaxing evening.


AdamC1776 said...

The Russians are 7 Years War they are infact the minatures I 'trade' you your Decons for at Adler's Dead Lead Day.

AJ (Allan) Wright said...

Awesome. I'm thrilled to see you're already getting some paint on them. They sat in my 'dead lead' box for 6+ years.

AdamC1776 said...

Well I have some stuff that sat around as long or longer. I got some old glory 15s continentals in rifle frocks that I've had since Napoleons (game store in Milwaukee) closed back in like 2001 or so...