Yesterday we got together to pick up the unfinished battles of Reggio and Oglio and play a play test game of my friend Charlie's new Napoleonic rules,
Napoleon's Rules of War. It was a good game and the 28mm units look great on even a large 12' long table like mine. We had a great time and came up with a few pieces of input for Charlie to consider for addition / revision. These rules are shaping up to be a good, fun fast play set of Napoleonic rules.
Nice looking troop dispositions - that is a great table too. Best, Dean
Never been one to be jealous of another man's size, but that table looks immense!
It's two 6'x6' tables, which can be separated if we want to play two games at once.
Honestly, if I had to do it again I might go to a 12'x5' table with 6" extensions that could be folded up when needed. Often a 6' deep table is too big.
Hey I take it the rules are grand tactical in nature? I have not seen them anywhere around the area I live in.
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