These are six mounted Austrian officers that I painted. They come from Old Glory's Austrian personality pack. Posed in this council of war grouping they look particularly Austrian to me, with no consensus of opinion and even one indifferent chap on the left. These have been based up as two higher command stands and two single regimental command stands. These were particularly quick to paint as Austrian officer uniforms tend to be relatively simple and most of these were wearing great coats which reduced the amount of detail painting required quite a bit.
The four mounted French officers below I purchased pre-painted off of Ebay. I figured they fit in best here with the Austrians I painted myself rather than posting them separately. I'll count all of these mounted officer figures as two figures per in my painted and purchased counts since they're mounted.
Terrain Tuesday
8 hours ago
These really look terrific! You captured the look of the officer class and what could be better in this time of the new War & Peace series?
These are lovely AJ - have those same OG Austrian figures but yours are far superior!! Great brushwork!
No coincidence, I'm thinking, considering that the upcoming club big game will consist of the White Menace (Austrians) vs French. Nicely done. I'm sure the'll look good on the table.
No coincidence at all....
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