Thursday, February 13, 2025

Two 28mm Burned Out Farmhouses

Back in 2020 I painted up these resin ruined farmhouse sections.  I've been enjoying using them in games as their footprint and styling are both to my liking. Unfortunately the bare pieces on the tabletop didn't really convey the 'ruined building' vibe. Also the actual footprint of the terrain piece was difficult to define during a game. Move forward four+ years and I've finally based these up and added some additional features made from foam and other terrain materials. Now they're much more functional while preserving all of the qualities that I liked from the original resin pieces.

The larger piece, suitable for the 'main farmhouse' includes the larger of the two corner pieces. At the recommendation of my uncle, I also added some wisps of smoke to convey that 'freshly burned' feel.



The smaller of the two pieces, with a 28mm British infantry NCO for scale. This could either be a smaller farmhouse or barn building. The corner with the white smoke was scratch built from foam and balsa to round out the building area.

One of the nice things about these pieces as they're quite generic and can be used for many historical periods.


Matt Crump said...

Nice work 👍

Ed M said...

Not only do they look the business, but they are better game pieces now as well.

Bill said...

Great work on these!