In my first turn I failed to get reserves, and with an 88 and a platoon of infantry on board I decided to smoke the 88 with my HQ tanks and assault the infantry. I managed to kill the only stand I could reach in my assault. In Adam's turn he received reinforcements, used the platoon of newly arrived tanks and his HQ to kill my two HQ tanks. Game over. I had nothing that could reach the objectives to contest them after Adam would capture them the next turn. Lesson learned: trying to roll for scenarios for 850 points will give you some unplayable games. Play free for all or pick a scenario both players can agree upon. I don't think either Adam or myself would have picked cauldron with such small forces.
After that I dropped into a game of Wings of War that was being played. Since the two players were learning the rules they were doing a mission against some observation balloons and some 'Archie'. I rolled in with a Spad XIII to try to spoil their raid. I was able to shoot down one Albatros D.Va before getting gunned down by a Halberstadt CII's tail gunner. I think maybe Wings of War has the tail gunners a bit over powered for my tastes, but still a fun game. Maybe if there is a two seater on each side it will balance things out a bit more.

Meanwhile while we were dog fighting over the trenches of WWI, Adam and Chris were playing another game of FOW. Chris brought his newly painted Matilda company. I took a few photos of Chris' Matildas which were beautifully painted with full Caunter cammo scheme and hand-enscribed tank names using a technical pen. Awesome stuff.

yeah in retrospect we should have done free for all. Live and Learn. Chris' armor looked absolutly Awsome.
Thanks for the bases.
Love those Matilda's!
I play a fair amount of Blue Max and I think that has the same problem with tail gunners...
I'm the co-author of the Blue Max miniatures rules. Blue Max tail gunners are shooting spit balls compared to Wings of War. Wings of War tail gunners are MORE effective than a Dr-I's twin Spandau guns are. They use a higher damage deck for their hits. No lie.
AJ - I had no idea - clearly you are a man of many parts! I play my Blue Max on the site - makes for fun games at lunchtime!
More history on my involvement in the Blue Max Miniatures rules is available here:
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