While I was making some items for some customers on my laser today I designed a desert heavy machine gun nest for use with my North Africa forces. After I finish up my Australians I plan to start working on a German defensive force using the Hellfire and Back Stutzpunkt army list. This list requires two or four of these heavy machine gun nests. Battlefront sells pre-made ready to paint nests, but they've been out of production for a while. I like making my own terrain and doing interesting modeling projects so this seemed like a fun project. Design work on the laser's CAD only took about 15 minutes and I cut the pieces out of scrap wood from other larger customer jobs. The only things I had to add were a standard Battlefront medium sized base and a German crew member converted from a figure from my dead lead box. Below is a photo of the bunker in several states of completion. I'll eventually finish up all four of these for my German list and probably another four for my Australians to use if I want to use them as a Tobruk defensive force.

Very nice work.
What a great idea; and execution.
I like it!
Great idea. Thanks for share it.
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