These are 16 sections of trench, each 4" long. I plan to use these for my German and Australian defensive positions for my North Africa armies. In Flames of War you need 8" long sections of trench line. Each two of these pieces will make one FOW trench section.
I had intended on scratch building my trench sections with concrete retaining walls and wire-cut foam berms. I put off the project long enough and then I realized I had to do something more expidient. These are the result of that realization. They are Musket Miniatures entrenchments. They're rated for 15 or 25mm, but probably fall right in between both. The log retaining walls are more suitable to non-desert, pre-WWII fortifications, but I'm going to roll with that considering they'e done now. Maybe later I'll scratch build some concrete ones and religate these to other duties.
Finishing these will allow me to field my German Stutzpunkt and Australian Tobruk forces in our early war FOW North Africa escalation league.
Battle of Brandywine Part 1 : Chad’s Ford
1 hour ago
Nice looking terrain there, Allan. I've yet to play my first FoW, but it certainly holds interest for me. Best, Dean
These look great, AJ. Great cataphracts, too. And WW2 desert stuff. And in fact everything else I haven't been able to comment on for weeks!! (I seem to be able to fire off one comment whenever I log in, and then blogger cuts me off.)
I really like the way you do your desert bases. The colours look just right, wityh a hint of reddish-pink and the tufts liven them up. Of course the painting of the troops ain't bad either!
Best wishes for Christmas
Great work there mate. The trenches look A1.
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