The scene shows what I believe is a Mercedes truck that was knocked out by a near miss shell burst. Cargo is spilled about and the truck sits pushed up against the broken wall. Other than re-decorating the base the only other things I did was to paint it up and add some Silfor grass tufts on the open areas. I have one more objective to go for this army which will featured a destroyed Panzer IIc tank. The rest of the scene I haven't figured out yet.
In my 2012 painting totals I'm going to count this as a vehicle. I think it's the category that fits the closest.
That's a nice piece. Who made it, or did you scratch-build.convert it?
Nice work AJ. :)
It's a pre-made piece I got from the LHS. I'll ask them tomorrow who makes it.
Now that is cool! Very nice work.
It`s little pieces like this that can give that extra interest to a game.
That is very cool. I played my first game of FoW this morning and really enjoyed it.
The objective is made by Forged in Battle miniatures.
Another beautiful piece, AJ.
Best wishes
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