Thursday, November 28, 2019

Twitch Stream Replay - Basing 28mm French Napoleonics

Lately I've been using my tablet at my painting table to watch miniature painters who stream on About 80% of these painters are painting Warhammer figures with the balance painting fantasy or science fiction figures. Rarely do I see anyone painting historical figures. Still, these are very skilled painters and there's plenty to learn from them regardless of subject matter.

I always wondered if this would be fun to do so I gave it a try. Below is a YouTube video replay of my first stream. The video quality is fair to sometimes poor and the audio volume is a bit low. All of this was done straight from my phone, clamped to my painting light. Clearly not a proper streaming set-up. Still if there's interest I may set up a proper streaming rig with multiple cameras and proper video. Give the stream a watch and give me your honest, even if brutal, feedback.

For those wishing to get a notification on Twitch the next time I attempt to stream, you can follow my channel there. My channel link is

These are some of the other painting streams I follow and enjoy:

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