This is the first new battle group for my Seleucid FOG army that I've painted. It will be another of the battle groups used for my upcoming Magnesia game. These scythed chariots are more 'Fine Essex Lead'. I chose Essex as their smaller size makes fitting the chariot model with scythes onto the base easier. Even with the smaller model the scythes had to be heavily modified to fit on the base without the scythes hanging over the edge. The Essex chariot I painted for my Seleucid DBA army was based un-modified and the scythes are always catching on adjacent elements. I chose a plain wooden chariot figuring that there wouldn't be a lot of sense in elaborately adorning them knowing they'd likely be destroyed on their first use. The figures are black primed and the bronze armor on the drivers and iron armor on the horses was dry-brushed over the black which gives it a nice effect. I didn't give the figures a wash, but I think I might go back and do a little more highlighting on the horse blankets.
I've counted this unit as 14 'figures' in my painting totals: 8 horses, 2 riders and 2 chariots counted as 2 figures each. Next up is a unit of armored Gaul heavy cavalry for my
Attalid Pergamene Roman allies. I made slow progress on this unit the past week as a fall had put my back out and as that was getting better I came down with the stomach flu. I'm on the mend now and hopefully I'll get some productive time the rest of the week at the painting table.
I can hear the horses as I type ....
Nice Work !
Essex do make some nice models these are looking awesome, man you must have a large number of figures in you games cupboard. I've just recieved a commission army that has i think 10 chariots in it lots of fun.
Cheers kent
They look fantastic. I still haven't put mine together! Nor my Seleucid elephants. I'm useless.
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