My friend Mike and I had our second play test of our upcoming Magnesia game today. Helping us were our friends Don and Randy. With only four players pushing enough lead for eight commands things went more slowly than we expect them to go at the actual game, but we got some really good testing in. Don and Mike duked it out on one flank while Randy and I dueled on the other flank. On my flank Randy was able to destroy two of my skirmish units while I was able to turn one of his pike blocks with some lucky rolls with one of my legions. Mike's light cavalry gave Don's elephants some troubles but Don was able to rally the tantors before they left the field. Elsewhere on their flank Don and Mike crashed together with their heavy infantry and elephants with no clear winner declared within the time limit.
Mike and I are looking forward to hosting the game at next month's club game night. We both are very encouraged by the play test and think it will be a fun game. Below are 3 photos that form somewhat of a panoramic view of the in progress battle towards the end.
Looking good Allan; cast of thousands. But what's that village?
Magnesia is one of the 3 games I'm thinking we might do next year.
There was a small village on one end of the battlefield from the maps we found when researching the battle.
Cool, I shall look out for that.
looks like you've been having a lot of fun lately lots of great gaming sadly i haven't had much game time, hope to get down to the club tomorrow but who knows, really enjoying your blog
Rules set your using for such a large battle?
Aj have you seen this blog i think you'll enjoy it as much as i did
Alfrik said...
Rules set your using for such a large battle?
We're using Field of Glory.
Blogger Galpy said...
Aj have you seen this blog i think you'll enjoy it as much as i did
Good blog, I'll add it to my follows list. Thanks Kent.
Damn AJ - thats a big game , especially using the FOG rules - how many points a side is it?
About 2200 points per side. Each person will push about 500-600 points.
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