This is a photo of some custom order markers I made for a customer. There are ten (10) of each of the numbered markers and fifteen (15) of the red markers. I'm not quite sure what rule system he's going to use them for, but he was very specific about what he wanted. Hopefully he'll be happy with them. They are made from 1/8" thick acrylic. The yellow markers I'm guessing will be some form of damage or casualty marker. They have laser-engraved numbers with black fill for high contrast per the customer's specifications. The yellow markers are 1/2"x1/2" with .02" chamfers on the corners to make them easy to handle.
This is the second pike block that I've purchased from Dragon Painting Service off of Ebay. Like the first one I purchased the figures were well painted but had terrible pikes made from rolled wire that was obviously straightened by the painters. Some of my pikes fell off in shipping, but that was more of a blessing than a curse since I removed the rest anyways to replace them with proper straight pikes made from 1/32" steel 'piano wire'. To go with these two blocks, I'm sending two more blocks worth of Xyston figures off to Kent at the 15mm Paint Shack soon. Right now I'm cleaning the figures and making up another 64 pikes for them. I've been envying the wonderful job Kent has been doing for his other customers and I decided I'd stop living vicariously through them and get some of my own. There's another photo of these figures below.
Midgard The Third
1 hour ago
Looking good AJ - those guys at DPS do a pretty good job. Pitty about the pikes.
Your greek forces can never have enough pike blocks!
I'm hoping to go with 4 pike blocks. Three regular quality and one elite. I'd like to try out a Seleucid force with plenty of cavalry since my Roman army has very little cavalry. Should make for an interesting match up.
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