Last Friday night I ran my Black Powder Freeman's Farm game at our club's game night. We're still learning the rules so we made a couple mistakes but still ended up with a fun game. This was a very closely fought game for the entire night. At the end the British force saw the German flanking force exhausted while the Americans had Poore's brigade becoming very close to exhaustion due to suffering several lost units. All but a draw I called this one a narrow British victory as I felt that they had a slightly better position. It wouldn't have been inconceivable that a few more turns could have easily seen the tide turn towards the American's cause. Photos here are in roughly chronological order.

We had two other great games at game night. New pledge member Gordon ran his modified Axis & Allies War At Sea game with a Mediterranean 1940 hypothetical scenario and Earl ran his popular Brother Against Brother ACW game with it's beautiful terrain. Reports from both games were that they were very enjoyable. I was too busy running my game to spend a lot of time watching either game but took the snapshots below of them in progress.
Also Andre was present and received the Sportsman of the Year trophy that the club elected him to receive at our November business meeting. Congratulations Andre!
Great looking games. Nice seeing all the Black Powder you guys have been playing. Best, Dean
Some great looking games!!
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