The first of two (or more) Hungarian units for my Austrian army. Again these are figures purchased from ebay merchant
ppsbay_com and re-based for Charlie's rules, Napoleon's Rules of War. I'm experimenting a bit with my basing for this rule set. There is a bit more open space on the stands than on my AWI figures so I've added more rocks, grass tufts and brush clumps to compensate. This particular stand I may have gone a bit overboard on the rocks.
Oh no, they look good. I like the base. Sometimes units wind up "in the rough."
One of my favorite uniforms for Napoleonics. The basing is great too. Best, Dean
would like to see you do your next basing in stages with instructions
I really like them! A great painting work, and fantastic bases too!
VolleyFireWargames, I will consider doing a step-by-step or video tutorial of my basing technique. It's actually quite simple to do. Thanks for the compliments on its end effect.
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