That said, I'm happy to say they're done. This group will represent three battle groups in Field of Glory or six elephant units in two Hannibal at the Gates terror wings. Seen above and to the left they're arranged as they'll be used in Field of glory. The figures are all Old Glory. The unarmored figures are from the Old Glory Carthaginian line and the armored are from the Macedonian line. Truth be told it's quite likely that none of the Carthaginian elephants had howdahs, but without crew sculpted to ride directly on the backs of the elephants, I was forced to use the howdahs. Since the unarmored howdahs had very characteristically Carthaginian shields molded onto them I decided to go ahead and put my Spanish escorts on those bases. The armored elephants have no exclusively Carthaginian markings on them so I left them without escorts in hopes that they'll also be able to serve in my Pyrrhic army that I'll be painting later.
Below are two close-ups of the armored elephants, followed by a couple of photos of one of the Hanibal at the Gates terror wings, and finally a close up of one of the drivers and escorts.
They look great! Impressively done - OG are under-rated, and brushwork like this proves it. Best, Dean
Very nice Allan; 6 nellies, cor!
Great looking elephants! Looking forward to seeing some AAR featuring them!
Great work...
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