Speaking of Michael, he ran his medieval 28mm Castle siege game with the very fun Have Fun Storming The Castle Lads rules.
Update - Ed has more photos and an additional write-up of game night on his blog here.
Byron ran his 28mm Indian Mutiny game using the Civil War skirmish rules Brother against Brother with slight modifications for the period.
Below the German defenders on the left, Kevin, Mark and John and the Canadian attackers Earl, Charlie and Bob.
I allowed both sides to pre-deploy up to three infantry detachments on their side of the table as listening posts. The Canadians chose to occupy their sector of the town with all three of their listening posts. The Germans put on each in the town, the farm and the bunker.
The Canadian presence in the town was effective and eventually killed one and drove out another German detachment from the large residence in the German sector. The Germans brought a Tiger I to support the bunker and duel with the Canadian Firefly that had bogged town on top of a hill. Faring even BETTER than the Hollywood easy-8 Fury, the Firefly luckily bounced not one, but THREE glancing blows from the Tiger, and with rousing words from their commander rallied from near death TWICE, escaping from the hill to pound the German-occupied townhouse.
The Canadians brought up an M-10 wolverine which easily took out an over-aggressive Flakpanzer 38(t). Somehow the Flakpanzer crew got brave in the face of just Canadian infantry, but soon found out they weren't a real tank when the M-10 showed up.
This wasn't all one-sided for the Canadians. The Germans reinforced the town with another platoon of infantry and flanked it to the east (far side most photos) with a second platoon that nearly destroyed the Canadian commander's squad. In the middle consistent fire from the farmhouse took out the British 17-pounder AT gun, and in an MG duel Kevin's MG-42 took out a British vickers .50 cal.
At time the game was a dead heat with both armies occupying about 50% of the center of the table's important objectives and casualties even. I believe eventually the Canadians had a good chance of winning the town and the Germans would probably keep the farm and hill with the battle being decided by which of the armor would come out on top.
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