Today I hosted the next battle in my ongoing 1813 Napoleonic campaign. We played for 8 hours and got through a simulated 36 hours of battle spanning two campaign days. The photo to the left is about 4 hours into the second simulated day, just before the French center wing, with the light brown bases, began their assault on the Prusso-Austrian left wing of the allied army. Early on in the battle the Prussians had good success on the French right wing, and during the middle of the game the allies have been pressuring the French left wing. As we called our first day of gaming the French assaults in the center had been stymied and both armies continue to stream troops to the battlefield, some commands marching to the guns to do so. It may be a few weeks before we can schedule the conclusion of this game as we have a local convention in two weeks that most of us are going to attend. A couple more photos from earlier in the battle as both armies marched on and deployed are below. The figures used in the battle are a mix from all of the collections of the collective players in the game, including my own contribution of the Russo-Swedish wing of the allied army that is being played by one of the players who needed me to supply a force for him.
Pressed For Time
1 hour ago
I noticed that the Prussian bases are using what appears to be boxes and circles to be checked off when hits occur. Are they written on (perhaps they are covered with clear plastic and written on with a grease pencil)? Or are they magnetic? If so are the statis "strips" made out of metal or of magnet material? are the markers also magnets or are they a small bit of metal (like a nut or small washer)?
Ed Mueller in our group uses a metal strip on the back of his stands. The 'hits' are marked off by removing the colored magnetic dots and placing them on a small roster base on the base edge of the table.
The rest of us use a roster card on the back of the stand. Some use a disposable cardstock card, some use plastic-coated ones with grease pencils or wet-erase markers.
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