The portee AT guns I purchased separately in blisters, the command team was drawn from my spares box and the Jeep was one of the transport teams I painted and posted earlier this month.
These two stands will be the company commander and 2iC for my Australian infantry company. I had forgotten to add these figures to the infantry figures I painted up for my first platoon. While I had the command stand and crews for the AT guns on the painting table I took advantage of some economy of scale and painted these figures at the same time. Sometimes you can benefit from additional efficiency by looking at your process and optimizing it as much as possible. This was one small step I took in that direction.
Looking very cool. 1 thing though...I would have considered shaving and filing that line down the middle of the gun tube.
In game term sthough these are a really good AT device in Early War.
Totally valid comment for sure. Strange thing when I did all that type of work I totally didn't see the line. It wasn't until I primed, air brushed and then put a detail wash on the guns that the line was visible to me. Of course by that time it was too late. Worse is I usually file barrels down because they almost always have visible seams. This time for some reason I looked at them and though they were fine. Shame on me for sure!
The unit looks great; nice details all-around - like the various headgear. Best, Dean
It happened to me as well recently. Filed, Scraped, Cut...not in that order some big gun barrels. But when the paint went down and then dried....blammo...a flaming line down the barrel was obvious. Oh well.
These are great. There's something about a truck with a gun on it...
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