Friday, September 2, 2011

Desert Objective Markers

We're just wrapping up a short mid-war North Africa campaign, and soon will focus our attention on an early-war North Africa escalation league. Considering these two facts I thought it was wise to invest the time into painting up some desert-themed objective markers for Flames of War. What's more important in the desert than fuel, water, ammo and supplies? With nothing to scrounge from the land or the residents, ammo and supply dumps are the king of all desert objectives. They also have the added benefit of being country-inspecific so I should get years of service from these with any armies I should paint up for desert battles.

The right objective marker is a stock Battlefront piece I received in an OOP "Sting of the Scorpion" box set I picked up from a local friend. I mostly wanted it to use the cool Chevy trucks that come with it as transport for my British desert infantry but it also included the nice supply depot objective base and some very neat SAS raider figures which I'll be mixing into my desert infantry units to add some extra character. The left objective marker was made up using a bunch of smaller supply markers also contained in the box set. I glued these up together on a large base and flocked to represent generic North Africa desert ground cover (i.e. sand). I think the pair makes a very serviceable set. Next up will either be some Australian infantry with their characteristic floppy hats and some of those super-neat SAS raider figures mixed in or the previously mentioned overloaded Chevy trucks. I'm not going to win any battles in the desert with only Crusader tanks to fight with. I need some boots on the ground to seize and hold objectives!

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