My friend Bob is running an ancients campaign that I'm playing in. The campaign requires each army to have a 'scout' command of three stands of light cavalry. Since I'm the Macedonian player, here are my three stands of Macedonian light cavalry. These are Warlord Games Hetairoi Cavalry which are supposed to represent the companions. With their linen curiasses and no shields, I think they also make a good figure to use as the army's standing scout cavalry.
The figures are resin and come in two pieces: horse and rider with separate metal stamped-head lances included. I have to admit that I'm a lead figure snob, but so far these Warlord resin models are impressing me. The detail is crisp and the figures require little clean up. You do have to use a very sharp knife to CUT off the flash however. The resin doesn't sand or scrape very well and ends up 'fuzzy' if you try to use these techniques. This small quibble aside, I'm enjoying this figure line and plan to paint more of them in the future.
I'm counting this as twelve figures in my annual painting totals; six riders and six horses. These were painted entirely on my stream. Currently in progress on the painting table are several stands of Thracian peltasts and psoli also for the Macedonian army.

Very nice Allan... I like the choice of colours...
I have to admit that I am not a fan of resin... but these look really good...
All the best. Aly
Another nice unit off the list 👍
Thanks a bunch guys!
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