This platoon has similar assets as the Australian infantry I painted earlier, namely a light mortar and anti-tank rifle stand. While these specialist stands offer only slightly improved utility they also have the crucial effect of bringing this platoon up to a full strength of nine stands which is quite nice for Veteran troops. The core infantry are all rated as MG - machine gun armed owing to the high percentage of MG-38 and MG-42 machine guns they carried.
My favorite figures are the ones in the lower right photo, with a machine gunner and loader firing their gun by having the loader hold the bipod on the run. Back then I'm sure ear protection was optional...ouch! While this practice may seem ludicrous, it's well documented in photos and German training manuals.
"My favorite figures are the ones in the lower right photo, with a machine gunner and loader firing their gun by having the loader hold the bipod on the run."
My pioneers have one of those as well and I do love the pose.
those turned out great
Love em! I picked up an 88 stutz nest and the set of 2 stutz nests so I can run a 'punkt as well. Looking forward to it! Any insight? Have you decided to build it a particular way?
This is what I got from the guys at the BF forums about builds:
Very cool. Great work.
Good looking work
Fantastic work A.J.
Great looking unit AJ.
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