Friday, November 11, 2011

Stützpunkt Gun Nests

These are four Stützpunkt Gun Nests for my German North Africa force: two 2cm AA guns and two 5cm AT guns. Each Stützpunkt platoon will have as part of it one of each of the two types, some infantry in trenches and two machine gun nests. These are sold in pairs by Battlefront and include the nest terrain feature, guns (one of each) and crews. I haven't decided if I will be using two or four of these as I haven't settled on a final force composition. Since there were two of these in stock at Adler Hobby I snatched them up and added them to my collection for my German force.

My force will also require at least one 8.8 cm FlaK36 "88" gun pit. I may optionally field two 88s which may be my preference. In order to be a little more economic in my purchases I'm going to make up my 88 pits using gun models I've purchased earlier by adding them to two of these pits. To facilitate that I've put the crews for one pair of the gun pits on thin plywood disks cut to fit the pits and terrained and painted to match. I'll put the 88s and crews on similar disks that I made up at the same time as these.


Rodger said...

They look pretty cool.

Mike said...

Great looking bases. Remember, with 88's, more is always better.

jmezz382 said...

Look awesome. Great job