First up was creating a set of laser-cut terrain bases that would match up with some excellent trees offered by the model railroad acessory company Noch. The thought was to package up some ready-shaped bases to make creating wooded terrain pieces easier for gamers without access to larger tools such as band saws or scroll saws. The package would include two sets of the three cards of bases shown above. This many bases matches up quite nicely to one large (or two small to give variety) package of the Noch trees to make a bunch of woods bases quickly. The set uses larger bases to represent the perimeter of the wooded area with removable trees on smaller bases to allow troops to be placed anywhere in the woods simply by displacing the smaller tree bases as needed. The smaller tree bases would also make storing the wooded sections easier.
Gordon brought some of the Noch trees, and after we designed the bases and cut them on the laser we were able to assemble the bases, paint and flock them all in less than an hour. Qhite nice considering how much terrain it makes. Half of the bases are shown un-flocked below left, and the complete set below right. If you're interested in these bases with trees, contact Adler Hobby and Gordon will be happy to help you out.
While we were waiting for the laser to cut some of the awards Gordon and I worked on a double-wide artillery barrage template. While working on the layout it occurred to me that some dotted lines on it to show the outline of a single template would allow this to be dual use. We also added a sporty reticle and some handy cutouts to help hold it while using it. The cutouts also are labeled to be used as "double time" markers. Nothing is wasted. This one is customized for Gordon (G Dog). I'm still trying to figure out if I'll keep the Flames of War helper text on it or leave it off. Leaving it off is the way I'm leaning since the template can be used for many games in addition to FOW. I'm not sure if people would be interested in buying these. I mostly made them because Gordon and I both needed one.
Very nice, some great looking trees, that's a great tool your own laser cutter!!!!
I would like one of those double wide templates!
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