This is a platoon of three
Wirbelwind Flakpanzer IV tanks that I've painted up as a support platoon for my late war Panzerkompanie. If you look close you'll notice that one of the models is different from the other two. All are Battlefront models. One I purchased many years ago, before the Flames of War rules even existed. The other two I picked up recently as
a free prize for participating in the Adler Hobby escalation league.
I've painted these up in a three color late-war cammo scheme and added some Silfor foliage to help unify the look of the two different model types. I'm liking the effect enough that I may use it on some Stug G tanks I'll be painting in the future.
For the foliage I was hoping to achieve a look that was something similar to these photos I found on the Internet.
Nice looking units!
Your objective is sure coming along quick and look great.
Looks good. Often modles with foliage look really naff, but you seem to have good the balance just right
love them, they look great
Nice. I fancy getting some of these too, but have not yet found them in a FoW briefing or stats for them...
Great work! Adding the foliage is a great touch, nice one!!
As I said earlier, your camo work is excellent - reminds me of larger models. Dean
Very cool. Makes me want to get some.
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