Last weekend I visited Gordon at Adler hobby to play some Bolt Action. Gordon is bringing his North Africa colonial Italian force to the Cold Wars Bolt Action tournament and he wanted to get in some practice with the tournament scenarios. I brought along my
newly painted German equipment and some painted figures I purchased on Ebay and tried my best to give Gordon a game. My force, which was not particularly tournament tuned, was easily tromped by Gordon's flame thrower tank, armored car and Besigleri infantry. Gordon's camels and cavalry looked great and while fragile, pack a punch. It was good seeing Chris and Eric as well as Gordon for a generally entertaining game and B.S. session.
Looks like a fun game.
Nice looking game table.
My force, which was not particularly tournament tuned, was easily tromped by Gordon's flame thrower tank, armored car and Besigleri infantry.
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