These were an experiment in Army Painter 'dip' speed painting. Not including cleaning and assembly and basing these 30 figures were painted in two sessions that were about 3 hours each. I know this because they were painted entirely while listening to game 3 and 4 of the Bruins/Rangers playoff games. I skipped doing my normal 4-step eye painting on these and opted just for eyebrows and letting Army Painter do the rest. The shields are mostly home made on my laser and hand painted decoration. With cleaning and basing the 30 figures took a total of 9 hours, or 18 minutes a figure, bag to table top.
Next up a unit of veteran Libyan spear men for my Carthaginian army.
Very nice and quite speedy!
Again, more excellent models. Just fantastic and even more the shields really pop out at me. I know they are simple but that design is strong :)
Lovely painted figures there and those shilds set them off
Impressive work Allan. They came out great in record time; the wonderful basing really adding to them too. Dean
Speedy work. They look good.
Very nice looking skirmishers!
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