These are a few photos of the
Blue Max game I hosted at my wargaming club,
The Northern Conspiracy, last month. WWI Air Combat is one of the other periods, in addition to AWI, that I run games from fairly regularly. This was a fun game to run and I was happy to have a lot of players, many of who were experienced with the rules. This was a late-war 'furball'. Just good-old dogfighting fun. More photos of this and all of the games from last month's game night can be found in the
July '07 gallery page on the club's website.
I'm sorry I didn't post any Historicon '07 photos. To get to Historicon from my home is about an eight-hour drive and five hours into the drive my wife and I realized that we each thought the
OTHER person packed the camera. I'll try to make up for this error in judgment with some additional AWI figure photos from my collection soon.

P.S. For the curious that's me in the white shirt with the green collar.