Tonight we got together for another round of The Electronic Brigadier and my venerable Freeman's Farm scenario. Helping me play test the rules were Byron, Ralph, Phil and Owen. Since Owen was new to the rules I played with him and Phil on the American side while Ralph and Byron chose the British as last time they were both Americans.
Since the last play test I've cleaned up a lot of the smaller problems in the programming and adjusted the casualty and morale calculations based on previous play tests and feedback from the players. Tonight's game seemed to be the best yet and may be the end of any significant adjustments in those calculations. We identified a couple smaller problems that will be addressed before the next play test.
For the game Byron led out with his right wing, the cream of the British forces. Byron quickly attacked Moran's rifles who surprisingly held. On the other Flank Ralph deployed the Hessian artillery and infantry in a solid line with the artillery on his left flank. The pain train for Poor's brigade began as the guns started their work.
In the center the militia were swept away early by the British simply through a few volleys of fire. The militia would eventually rally but too late in the battle to be a serous factor.
Owen used Learned's brigade to good effect eventually turning away the British and Hessian light units and finally the 24th foot. Honors for the game definitely went to Learned's brigade. On the Hessian flank Poor's brigade eventually lost both New York battalions and one New Hampshire. Although it looked like Poor's brigade was to be swept from the field the same could be said for the British advanced wing, a much higher cost. All in all a tangible American victory, but well fought and close until the end.
The game end statistics:
British Forces
- Army cohesion:
- Total Casualties: 394 / 3512 (11.2%)
- 4 units dispersed
| American Forces
- Army cohesion:
- Total Casualties: 333 / 3525 (9.4%)
- 2 units dispersed
- 1 routed units
- 1 shaken units
| |

Left, Owen entering Byron's British moves. Right Phil entering Ralph's British Moves.
Left, the British, Byron and Ralph. Right, the Americans, Phil and Owen.