The scenario was a recreation of the battle of Barossa in the peninsular campaign. The battle featured a significant wood which separated the Spanish and British forces and also split the French army. I played the command that historically intercepted the Spanish who promptly fired a 'volley for honor' and then left the field. I put a token force on that flank and concentrated the rest of my forces in the woods. The Spanish, unlike the historical battle. Dispatched my flank battalions with little trouble and then proceeded to crush my stronger holdings in the wood. Possibly I should have fired a 'volly for honor' and retired with my troops, who then at least would live to fight another day. On the other flank our grand battery did minimal damage to the British who played the role of the Spanish in the game and retreated out of artillery range. At the end of the battle the extreme left flank saw some token action with the British guards being pushed back by some French regulars, but the British regulars also pushed back some of the French battalions. This was mostly inconclusive as the Spanish thrashing of my force had already sealed the fate for the French and it was just a matter of time before we'd be forced from the field.
There were two other equally excellent games. The first was Phil's 15mm Regimental Fire & Fury game of the battle of Jericho Mill. I didn't catch the results of this game as I was pretty well engaged in my game while this one came to a conclusion.
The final battle was a 28mm Bolt Action game run by my uncle. This was an American attack on a German held town and rail station. The terrain was beautiful and included three of his buildings built from my laser-cut parts. Forgive me if I feature those a bit in the included photos below. This ended up being an American victory as they had success early and often assaulting the German held town significantly reducing the German forces there.
Additional photos can also be seen on the Northern Conspiracy Club website in the Photos section.