I was completely inspired by Giles Allison's Tarleton's Quarter AWI Wargaming Blog and I thought, 'hey, I could do that' so here it is. Giles' blog has re-inspired me to continue adding to, and logging my AWI and other figure collections. So look here for more of that soon, as well as anything else interesting that's happening in my wargaming world.
This blog is best viewed in a browser that's 800x600 pixels in size or larger. Smaller browser windows may cause photos in posts to be arranged in silly ways. In addition to posts about new figures and terrain that I've painted or created, from time to time this blog will contain posts about interesting games I've played with my club, The Northern Conspiracy, or things I've seen at conventions or while touring battlefields. Hopefully you'll get a little bit of enjoyment out of my hobby through these posts.
Feel free to drop me an e-mail any time!
The Mercian Chronicles
23 minutes ago
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