Sunday, October 20, 2013

HUGE 28mm Napoleonics Game

This past Saturday our club got together to play a HUGE Napoleonic game using my friend Charlie's home brew rules "Napoleon's Rules of War". The game was a fictitious hypothetical invasion of mainland England in 1815 by Napoleon with Britain receiving help from Austria in defense....or how to use everyone's troops in one game.

Charlie painted about half of the troops you see here in the past couple years. The remainder were from the collections of 4 or 5 other members, including myself, painted up and based for Charlie's rules and for Volley & Bayonet wing scale. The above photo shows three tables, each representing interconnected portions of the battlefield. Transfer to and from the boards and victory conditions revolved around a cleaver system Charlie created for the game. This system was great fun, worked wonderfully and really added to the game. All of the photos below except the bottom right were from my table, where my Austrians attempted to press a weaker French force run by my opponents Randy (left) and Robert (right). Both played masterfully, and Robert's redeployment of their batteries really gave us fits. As time was called we were doing well, but their delaying tactics allowed their French brethren on the main table to press the attack with superior numbers assuring a minor French victory for the day.

There was so much to see the only way I could think to convey the scale of the battle was to take a panoramic video of the tables early in the day. It can be viewed below.


Tomsche69 said...

Awesome looking game!

Rodger said...

Great looking game! Big is good!!

AdamC1776 said...

Looks Good AJ Do you think your friend will make these rules available beyond the club at some point?

AJ (Allan) Wright said...

I think that he's hoping to once they're fully tested.

AdamC1776 said...

It looks like good fun every time you post it I would love to try it as an alliterative Black Powder

Mike said...

That is a big game. I like the idea of interconnected tables vs one huge table depending on the scenario.