This post has several smaller terrain items I've completed recently. On the left is a town or cemetery gate section. This is modeled roughly after one my uncle has in his collection. I've coveted it for years so when he asked me to make up another for him to match it I didn't hesitate since I wanted one for myself.
The gate is made from laser cut plywood with roofing tiles made from more of the vacuform plastic sheeting I've used on other projects. The surface texture is applied using textured faux-stone spray paint after careful masking of non-textured areas. After the texture paint drys I over-paint the desired color and dry brush to bring out the texture detail.
This is a small bunker designed to hold three 28mm figures. This will accommodate a small team in Bolt Action, say a medium machine gun team, sniper or panzershreck team. Most 28mm standing figures will fit inside with the cover on as shown in the photo below. The vision slit is shoulder high perfect for figures with extended rifles, MGs, etc.
The piece is made from layers of 1/8" thick plywood cut on the laser and glued together intentionally misaligned to mimic multiple layers of poured concrete as some bunkers exhibit. I also plan to do one larger bunker with a retaining wall. That one I might sand smooth if the mood fits me.
This tall wooden fencing I purchased unpainted at the Huzzah! convention last weekend. It was originally three pieces of unpainted resin all the size of the longest piece. I cut two of the three pieces into two smaller pieces. I made all of them different sizes on purpose to hopefully be able to fill many roles. A couple of these pieces might even make it onto my farmstead terrain piece with my larger cottage and barn that I posted last Sunday.
Terrain Tuesday
5 hours ago
Nice stuff there AJ and I really like what you have done with the wooden fence
Great looking bunker.
Nice pieces of terrain!
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