Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Woodman Museum 12# Napoleon Restoration Unveiling

This past Saturday, four members of our wargaming club went to Dover NH's Woodman Museum to attend their unveiling of their recently restored original Civil War 12# Napoleon cannon.  The Woodman Museum has a complete colonial-era garrison house in its collection which was relocated from nearby Dover point in the 1850s, a nice collection of historical artifacts from it and the surrounding area from both the colonial and 1850s era when the house ceased to be occupied. The museum also hosts several other collections including John Wilkes Booth artifacts.

The 12# Napoleon cannon was recently restored and according to the Museum's website, "was forged in 1863 by Henry N. Hooper & Co. of Boston, MA and was one of four acquired by the New Hampshire National Guard after the conclusion of the Civil War. The original limber and carriage were manufactured by the Woodman Brothers of New York.  The limber itself includes rare and original sabots (cupped wooden projectile holders)."

There are a lot of original Civil War cannons remaining, but precious few retain their original carriages, caissons and hardware. Although this restoration had to replace many pieces of the original wood, the original hardware, including the copper caisson cover remains. The restoration looks beautiful. The cannon will be housed in a sealed garage at the museum which will be opened up for public viewing and the cannon pulled out for special events. This should protect it from further damage from the weather. For those interested in helping the Woodman Museum recoup the cost of this restoration, they have a gofundme page for you to support the effort.

The reveal included an initial salute by NH reenactors firing a 10# Parrot cannon in salute, followed later by two full firing demonstrations. All three can be viewed below, videoed by me at the event.


Unknown said...

Very nice presentation, AJ. We also had an informative discussion with one of the gentlemen that was in charge of the artillery piece restoration effort. Also in attendance were the Colonel and Command Sergeant Major from the artillery unit based in Manchester, NH. It was fun swapping army stories with them.

Matt Crump said...

Great looking display đŸ™‚