Last Friday evening our club had our monthly game night. We don't always get to do an event in December, but this year the dates lined up to allow us to get an event in between Christmas and New Years Day. I played in a 28mm Renaissance game hosted by my friend John (left). The game used rules I wrote about 15 years ago,
Halberdier, which John has kept alive by using. I forgot how much fun they were. With encouragement from several people last Friday I may resurrect these rules for use. I had lost the files in a hard drive crash, but still have a hard copy version to start from.
The game was Teutonic Knights vs. Knights Templar with various assorted foot and dismounted figures: pikes, spears, longbows and dismounted knights. In the end the weight of the Teutonic Knight's mounted was too much for the Templar to hold up to and the victory went to the Teutonic side.

We had a very large turn out and there were three other excellent (and completely full) games run including Michael's Ships of Glory game. Michael participated in the kickstarter campaign for this game and contributed enough to get the starter box set and the very nice play mat shown in the photos. Everyone who played the game said that the rules are very enjoyable.
Kevin (standing left) ran a beautiful 15mm "Phoney War" 1939 France vs German game featuring Char 2B tanks and lovely terrain. The rules were "Panzer Blitz" and reference cards featured blown up "chits" which looked like they came from a board game but were actually made up by Kevin. These made looking up stats for forces quite easy.

Last but not least, new member pledge Greg ran a Carnage & Glory 9 Years War game using 28mm figures. Our club loves Carnage & Glory and knows and appreciates how much work setting up and running a C&G game is. Thanks Greg!