One can't have a Freya limber radar without a portable power source for it to run off of now can they? There is one model manufacturer that offers this kit in 1:48 scale, which would have been quite sufficient, but I was unwilling to pay the cost plus the shipping from eastern Europe for it as it would have totaled well over $50.00. Instead, I chose to scratch built it myself. As a terrain piece I took some liberties and chose to model just the important stuff. I only had two matching wheels in my spares box (thanks to my friend Gordon for those) so I left off the spare tire over the tongue of the trailer. Some day if I can find a matching wheel maybe I'll add it on. The entire trailer is scratch built from polystyrene sheet and model sprue with the exception of the wheels and the towing eye on the tongue, both of which are lead. The power terminals were scratch built up from styrene stick stock and stretched sprue.
Here's a photo of an Sd.Ah.24 powering a German radio truck. For obvious reasons I chose to model the generator with the doors closed. I couldn't find any supporting photos for the right side of the trailer, so I went with the assumption that a single larger door was there to allow maintenance of the motor. I also took some liberties in making the attached tool boxes near the wheel wells uniform in size. It was just easier that way.
I'm counting this as my first completed item of 2017, putting my 'terrain/misc' total at one. I will be posting other items this year that I started in 2016, but this one I started yesterday afternoon and finished this afternoon. A nice quick project to get my first completion of the year in the books. Aww crud, now I need to build that radio truck......
Terrain Tuesday
6 hours ago
AJ, This is a super terrain piece/objective! You are really doing a great job with this scratch building stuff! Can't wait to see the next thing.
Thanks Mark!
Looks great, well done!
Great idea, might steal it :P
It's always a great treat to see someone actually scratch build a gaming piece like this. Very nicely done...and may the British paras and commandoes have a great day blowing it up!
Very impressive. The weathering to highlight the access panels is an especially cool effect.
Thanks for the encouragement and kind words everyone!
Looks the business.
Good bit of scratch building...well done!
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