I played in Greg's Chain of Command early war game which pitted French against the invading German blitzkrieg forces. I was on the German side with Kevin and visiting guest Adam. Opposite us were Michael, Byron and Phil playing the French. I took a small flanking infantry command. Kevin commanded our Panzer IIIs and Adam took the center infantry which bore the brunt of the French attack. Opposite Adam were Phil and Michael sharing the French foot with Byron commanding the French Hotchkiss H-35 tanks.

On the opposite flank, the bulk of the infantry fighting occurred. Adam was outnumbered 3:2 here, and although my infantry poured fire into the French all game, they didn't receive any incoming fire, which meant Adam's flank most unit took it all, eventually being destroyed. Michael followed that up with a charge into the gap in our line eliminating a commanding officer and ADC, but then fleeing from the empty hill due to casualties received in the melee.
As the battle drew to a close, the French got the best of the day, but at a stiff price. Casualties were fairly equal with the French being more successful in focusing all casualties on a single enemy unit while the German's spread theirs out a bit more evenly.

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