Fellow Crusader Greg, and 'unlikely ally' Michael who pushed a Muslim Mutatawwi'a warband. Greg used his three points to bring two six-figure hearthguard units. I brought two mounted warrior units and a four-figure hearthguard unit. Michael brought two eight-figure warrior archer units and a four-figure hearthguard unit mounted on camels.
John brought his forces up cautiously approaching the two rocky outcroppings. Michael revealed his archers and took some pot shots at John's mounted warriors killing two figures. I launched an all-out attack on John's levy archers using all my saga dice for the one attack. I was able to kill nine of the archers, losing one warrior.
On the far flank the Mongols advanced en masse while Greg prepared to hold the flank with one of Michael's archer units taking up a position in the woods.
Paul brought his two mounted warrior units up. One harassed the center while the other waited to in on the attack against Greg's hearthguards. My warlord and hearthguard took the long way around some woods but prepared to support Greg in case his flank faltered.
There's a big gap in the photos here as the action got fast and furious and I forgot to pick up the camera for a couple of turns. Greg prepared his warband to receive the Mongol charge, loading up ever available die on his Saga battle board for defense. These resources were enough to weather Rob's initial attacks to good effect, eliminating one complete unit and reducing the other to half while receiving minimal casualties in return. Depleted of recourses, Greg had to weather Paul's final warrior attack with just guile and determination (and some good dice) but held firm. I followed up in the following turn with some clean-up attacks from my warlord, who eliminated the remnants of Paul's mounted warriors, but I failed to finish off Rob's warlord and Greg stole that prize. Greg was not to be denied and slaughtered enemies from the start of engagement until the end.

Lola the wargaming dog seemed to prefer the Mongol force in this one making friends with Paul. Bribery can get you everywhere with Lola!
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