Friday, July 19, 2024

28mm Legione Polacca (Polish Legion)

These figures represent the Legione Polacca (Polish Legion). In addition to fighting in the Hungarian Revolt and the Crimean War, the legion was first hired by Piedmont to reinforce the Northeast of Italy, but it didn't arrive there in time before Piedmont sued for peace. They then were in the service of Tuscany for a few months, finally ending up in Garibaldi's Army of the Central Italian League, aka the Army of the Roman Republic serving in 1849 and 1850.

These are the last figures from my recent order from Keelmen Miniatures. They are lovely sculpts that were quite fun to paint, although the white hat piping was very challenging. I will not hesitate to order more Keelmen miniatures should I ever choose to paint up a Hungarian army for the Hungarian revolt. I highly recommend the line.

This unit is a 'Swiss Army Knife' able to be slotted into several armies of the period, but it will likely be used mostly in it's primary role as a line or 'foreign volunteer' unit or a for the Central Italian League army.

This adds six more 28mm figures to this year's painting totals. To be honest, I'm finding these small six-figure units quite motivating to paint. Each is like a 'snack' on the painting table providing lots of variety. Even when you hit a challenging part of the unit, you're through it relatively quickly.  We'll see how I feel about that when I paint up four units of Piedmont line infantry at once at 24 figures.  Before that, I have two more two stand units on the table that I'll reveal here when they are finished.


Donnie McGibbon said...

Another lovely unit, they look really nice. Those Keelmen figures are very nice indeed, will have to take the plunge and get some!

Ed M said...

You're primed and ready for the German Legion, now!

Ed M said...

Bugger! The above comment was supposed to go in the previous post. Cool Poles!